Photo taken of Private Lester LaVerne Zornes on April 17, 1943 in Wichita Falls, TX when he was stationed at nearby Sheppard Field The Zornes kids around 1936. Clockwise from back, Verne, Richard, Naomi, Lois.
This photo was taken inside a photo booth at a Five and Dime store in Sioux Falls, SD. His parents sent him the coat after he commented on the cold weather. “It’s the greatest one there are!” he wrote about the coat.

The author standing in front of DC-3 #N877MG during Neighbor Day, June 3, 2017 at Felts Field, Spokane, Washington. The story of his flight that day is included in chapter 43 of “Not Forgetten: A Pacific Northwest Family Brings Their Soldier Home”
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