From time to time we will post images and texts of letters our uncle Lester LaVerne wrote home while he was in training to become a Radio Operator on board a C-47 troop transport plane during World War Two. These letters are included in their entirety in our book “Not Forgotten: A Pacific Northwest Family Brings Their Soldier Home“
- July 5, 1943: Di-dah Morse Code Class
- July 24, 1943 – Devil spotted looking for real estate near here
- 1943 Happy Mother’s Day
- “Hangman”
- September 4, 1943 – Masks all day, Rationing, Fall coming
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By odd chance I happened to look at the C47 sight tonight after not being here for a couple of years.
My father also was in training in 1943 for piloting C-47s.
Hello John, Which squadron was your father with? Dave